Our neighborhood consists of 47 homes located on a rectangle on the east side of Redding. We are south of Route 44 and west of Airport Road. Our location is convenient to shopping, the airport, and the great outdoors. Sun Oaks Racquet and Fitness is also within walking distance of our homes!
By clicking in the photo, you'll be routed to the City of Redding GIS Site. This will allow you to see the street addresses for the homes in our neighborhood. If you need to mail something, you can access the house numbers.
If we see something, we say something! We are installing more and more video cameras to better understand who is entering and coming through our neighborhood.
We have this site's blog and a community email and phone list to communicate rapidly and effectively.
We take our security personally. Of course, through the Neighborhood Watch program we coordinate and have an official channel to the the Redding Police Department.
This BLOG is set to "ALL POSTS" so that every posting will be visible in date order. The column (CATEGORIES) to the right allows you to limit your view to posts in specific areas of interest. Each CATEGORY will list the topic's posts in date order.
Please share the information here or you can text 530-276-8368 or email tony_giovaniello@yahoo.com. You can also click on the chat box on the lower right to share information. It is NOT a real-time chat.
Here is the SUMMARY of the 14 Responses we received.
If you would like submit information to be shared on this site or on the blog, please click on the "message" icon and complete the form. Or, you can email tony_giovaniello@yahoo.com
If you would like to receive information about our neighborhood or website updates, please click the yellow button:
After you add your contact information to the Contact List above, you will be granted access to the Clover Creek Calendar.
Click below to in the YELLOW BOX enter your Community Meeting Survey Response online.
Kelli Giovaniello
3198 Agassi Lane
Copyright © 2022 - All Rights Reserved to Clover Creek Estates Community - WEBMASTER - Tony Giovaniello
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